At A Wildlife Pro, LLC, we specialize in removing unwanted nuisance wildlife from both residential homes and commercial buildings. Our services include the removal of squirrels from attics or soffits, raccoons from attics or chimneys, bat colonies from buildings, and bird and pigeon control at commercial properties. We are also experienced in trapping other types of wildlife, such as groundhogs, opossums and skunks. Our services go beyond just removing the animals; we also perform preventative repairs to ensure that wild animals cannot get back in and offer wildlife cleanup services to our customers. Call us at 610-927-7792 to schedule an appointment.
Fully Licensed & Insured
Operating 24-7-365
Residential & Commercial
18 Years Experience
Serving Greater Philadelphia area
Humane Wildlife Trapping
Building & Home Inspections
Animal Damage Repairs
Wildlife Prevention
Attic Biohazard Cleanup
If you have a problem with a
domestic animal,
such as a dog or a cat,
please call your local animal
services department.